Our Click & Collect service offers all the benefits of shopping online combined with specialist personal retail experience in one of our stores. Simply order your items, select Click & Collect and pick up your item at a time that's convenient for you. Best of all the service is completely FREE!
- Add your items to your basket
Use our website to browse our catalogue of products with stock availability. When you find the item you want simply add it to your basket like you usually would.
- Checkout using Click & Collect
Scroll down and choose Click & Collect as your delivery method. Enter your postcode at the checkout to find your closest store.
- Choose the store of your choice and collect your items
Choose a store of your liking, click continue and complete the rest of our standard checkout steps and you’re ready to collect your item in store.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I collect my order?
For items in stock at the chosen collection store, we will normally have your item ready to collect within 1-2 working days.
For items which are at the warehouse your order will be ready to collect in the time indicated on the website; or if at another store approximately 3 working days – please call in advance if you are making a long journey, just in case!
How will I know when my order is ready?
For every order we will send you an e-mail to let you know when your order is ready to collect. If you’ve ordered a bike we will contact you once you have placed your order to arrange a collection time.
How do I cancel/change my order?
If you wish to cancel your order or make any changes please contact the store directly, contact information can be foundhere. Please note, full refunds will be made via the original transaction made with our online team.
How do I return my order?
Our normal returns policy applies to all Click & Collect orders, for more information see ourreturns policy. You can also return directly to the store.